Vegetable biryani at Guglee Restaurant, Swiss Cottage

This post comes to you today instead of tomorrow as the son or HRH as he is widely known in Finchley has gone to his best friend for a sleepover. This means that I can write this in peace without a sticky little presence by my side arguing about the biryanometer whilst telling me that he believes I could get more page visits on my blog by advertising on Google Adwords.

To tell you the truth, the lack of continual commentary behind me is a bit eerie and the actual reason for writing today is… India play Pakistan in the World T20 tomorrow! And we all know how it will end. In tears. For us. Especially after Pakistan’s gutsy performance against South Africa yesterday. At this point we will quickly move on and not talk about India-Australia match. So best to get all the work out of the way today and do some gentle ironing whilst trying not to watch the match tomorrow – besides which HRH will be back and I will have to be the rock to support his anguish. Look, and be impressed by the forward planning here.

With all the talk of spin bowling on telly (yes, you England supporters!), it was inevitable that we return to the Guglee restaurant for its vegetable biryani – and am I so glad we did.

Guglee Restaurant Veg biryani

In one word “superb” (though if I may be my usual crotchety self, they are still not forgiven for failing the ability to make things off menu test – remember the Jeera Aloo?).

Here’s how it scored (it was slightly better than Guglee’s chicken biryani).

Rice grain separation: 5/5

Meat/veg harmony : 4/5

Spice blend perfection: 5/5

Potato content: 0/5 (yes! What a shame!)

Fried onion finish: 5/5

Wet/dry index: Pass (with flying colours)

Biryanometer rating: 4.25/5

Okay, back to praying for the impossible tomorrow  – and I don’t even approve of the T20 format, I am a test match person – so what’s wrong with me??